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How does a smart business card work ?
Connect like a link chain by seamlessly sharing and updating your contact details

Smart business cards digitally encapsulate contact details and other relevant information that can be easily shared and updated in real-time, enhancing networking effectiveness.
What are the advantages of having a unique online presence ?
It is a ladder for better visibility and connections

A unique online presence sets you apart, improves visibility, and allows potential clients or partners to find and engage with you more easily online.
What type of content should I include in my online catalog profile to engage visitors ?
Captivate your audience like a magnet with detailed descriptions and high-quality visuals

Include detailed descriptions of your services and products, accompanied by high-quality images or videos. Providing clear, engaging, and professional content can significantly enhance user engagement and interest.
Can I sell thru your platform ?
Trustworthy payment processing, secured like a padlock with full oversight

You can purchase a package that allows you to sell your services on our platform. This will mean that your customers will have the opportunity to pay for your services through our site, and the transaction will be completed under our supervision and control. This protects you, the seller, from unscrupulous buyers who either don't pay or pay and then demand their money back. In turn, the buyer will be confident that they are dealing with a respectable and responsible seller, who do not hide anything, and are willing to guarantee their work and the terms of its performance. For ease of communication, as soon as your buyer pays for your services, you will be able to communicate with them via chat on our platform.