Choose registration type
Almost Free
£2 per month = £24 per 365 days
Photos, images, video, text and other docs
Links to social networks and other sources handpicked by You
Create your own Frequently asked questions (FAQ) database
Hide competitors, blogs, and others under your public profile view
Publish tenders, sales, offers, news **
Customize URL
* 'Almost Free' account £24. The 12 month period of the “Almost
Free” Account shall start after publishing your Company in our Catalogue (
We will publish your company in our database and social network within a few weeks after
we receive your payment and complete verification of your email and phone number. We
reserve the rights to remove your company's details and links from your profile from our
database if it does not correspond to our
Terms and Conditions.
** Terms and conditions with extra charges could be applied (for example extra charge for payment transactions when you sell your service on our platform)..