
About CO


Colombia is a country located in the northwestern region of South America, bordered by Panama to the northwest, Venezuela to the east, Brazil to the southeast, Peru to the south, Ecuador, and Peru to the southwest, and the Caribbean Sea to the north and the Pacific Ocean to the west.


The capital city of Colombia is Bogotá, which is also the largest city in the country.


Colombia has a population of approximately 51 million people, making it the fourth most populous country in South America.


The official language of Colombia is Spanish.


Colombia is a predominantly Christian country, with Roman Catholicism being the largest denomination. However, there is also religious diversity, with significant Protestant and other Christian denominations, as well as small communities of other religions.


Colombia is known for its diverse geography, including the Andes Mountains, the Amazon Rainforest, and the Caribbean and Pacific coastlines. It is one of the world's most biodiverse countries, with a wide variety of ecosystems and wildlife.


Colombia has a mixed economy with strong agricultural, mining, manufacturing, and service sectors. It is a leading producer of coffee, flowers, emeralds, and oil. The country has also seen significant growth in industries such as tourism, telecommunications, and information technology.


The currency of Colombia is the Colombian Peso (COP).


Colombia is a unitary presidential republic with a multi-party system. The President of Colombia is both the head of state and the head of government. The country has a history of political stability, although it has faced challenges such as armed conflict and drug trafficking.


Colombian culture is rich and diverse, influenced by indigenous, African, European, and other immigrant cultures. Colombian music, dance, literature, and cuisine are renowned internationally. Traditional Colombian dishes include arepas, bandeja paisa, and sancocho.

National Items of Colombia

Andean Condor

The Andean Condor (Vultur gryphus) is the national bird of Colombia. This majestic bird, known for its impressive wingspan and soaring flight, symbolizes freedom and the vast landscapes of the Andes.

Orchid (Cattleya Trianae)

The Cattleya Trianae orchid is the national flower of Colombia. Named after Colombian naturalist José Jerónimo Triana, this beautiful flower represents the country's rich biodiversity and natural beauty.

Wax Palm

The wax palm (Ceroxylon quindiuense) is the national tree of Colombia. Found in the Cocora Valley, this towering palm symbolizes the country's unique flora and is an important part of the Andean ecosystem.


Colombian coffee is world-renowned for its quality and flavor. Coffee symbolizes the country's agricultural heritage, economic significance, and cultural identity.

Sombrero Vueltiao

The Sombrero Vueltiao is a traditional hat made from the cane of the arrow palm. It represents Colombian craftsmanship and the cultural heritage of the Caribbean coast.

Bandeja Paisa

Bandeja Paisa is a traditional Colombian dish consisting of beans, rice, pork, plantain, chorizo, avocado, and a fried egg. It represents the country's diverse culinary traditions and regional flavors.


Cumbia is a traditional Colombian music and dance style that originated on the Caribbean coast. It symbolizes the country's cultural diversity and the fusion of Indigenous, African, and Spanish influences.

El Dorado Legend

The legend of El Dorado, a mythical city of gold, is closely associated with Colombia's history. It symbolizes the country's rich cultural heritage and the historical allure of its treasures.

Gabriel García Márquez

Gabriel García Márquez, a Nobel Prize-winning author, is a national literary icon. His work, especially "One Hundred Years of Solitude," represents Colombia's literary excellence and cultural storytelling.


Arepas are a staple food in Colombian cuisine, made from ground maize dough and often stuffed with various fillings. They represent the country's culinary traditions and are enjoyed nationwide.

The national anthem of Colombia is called "Himno Nacional de la República de Colombia" in Spanish. Here are the lyrics in Spanish and their English translation:

¡Oh, gloria inmarcesible!

¡Oh, júbilo inmortal!

¡En surcos de dolores

el bien germina ya!

Cesó la horrible noche,

la libertad sublime

derrama las auroras

de su invencible luz.

La humanidad entera,

que entre cadenas gime,

comprende las palabras

del que murió en la cruz.

¡Oh, gloria inmarcesible!

¡Oh, júbilo inmortal!

¡El pueblo Colombiano

la lira entona así!

En su cuerno de abundancia,

a su paso la ciencia

levanta a nuevas glorias

su inmortal desdén.

Llegó el hombre a la redención;

y el eco de su nombre,

tras los siglos lo afirma,

¡ningún mortal lo olvida!

¡Oh, gloria inmarcesible!

¡Oh, júbilo inmortal!

¡El pueblo Colombiano

la lira entona así!

Oh, unwilting glory!

Oh, immortal joy!

In furrows of pain

goodness now germinates!

The horrible night ceased,

sublime liberty

spreads the dawns

of its invincible light.

All of humanity,

that groans among chains,

understands the words

of the one who died on the cross.

Oh, unwilting glory!

Oh, immortal joy!

The Colombian people

sing the lyre thus!

In its horn of plenty,

in its path science

raises to new glories

It's immortal disdain.

Man has reached redemption;

and the echo of his name,

after centuries affirm it,

no mortal forget it!

Oh, unwilting glory!

Oh, immortal joy!

The Colombian people

sing the lyre thus!

To get a deeper view of the country please see the Video Guide and Sights of Colombia

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